Reliable shop Reinstatement Services

We'll save you costs while helping you fulfil your obligations as a responsible tenant.

Asian Design provides quality shop reinstatement services at affordable prices, with safety issues a top priority.

We’ll ensure you don’t upset your landlord as your shop tenancy comes to an end. And if your shop operates within a mall, we’ll make sure the reinstatement meets the expectations of the management company.

Key strengths of our shop reinstatement services

Retailers preparing to move out of leased premises opt for the Asian Design shop reinstatement solution because:

  • We provide a one-stop shop reinstatement resource.
  • We’re experienced in shop reinstatement project management.
  • We have a consistent track record of speedy shop reinstatements within budget.
  • We provide hoarding around the shop to protect the public during site works.
  • You get the peace of mind that we have public liability insurance.

Years of Experience

Projects Completed

Asian Design’s shop reinstatement services

We have a 20-strong team of dismantling and renovation experts who provide extensive shop reinstatement services, including:

  • Taking apart facade structures.
  • Dismantling display shelves.
  • Removing any electrical cable trunking and additional power points you’ve installed.
  • Restoring sprinkler points.
  • Repainting ceilings and walls.
  • Taking down wall partitions and false ceilings and flooring adaptations, and restoring them to their original state.
  • Repairing any damage to surfaces.
  • Removing custom fittings and furniture.
  • Stripping down signage and other promotional features.

Extra precautions taken for shop reinstatements

Asian Design is a specialist reinstatement contractor, with the experience and expertise to ensure your shop reinstatement is completed in a timely manner, to everyone’s satisfaction, while making sure all steps are taken to protect the public.

Unlike a residential reinstatement and many office reinstatements, restoring a shop to its original condition – especially in high-traffic areas – calls for additional measures to keep the public safe from harm.

A further problem for shops in malls is balancing the expectations of your landlord with the regulations of the mall operators.

Therefore, we take extra care to ensure the needs of these parties are met, such as:

  • Minimising noise and mess.
  • Providing a skip or bins for waste disposal.
  • Taking rubbish to an authorised tip.

Cost to reinstate a shop

Our large, skilled team of specialists in different fields enables us to keep the whole process in-house. This benefits you by:

  • Saving on costs – no middle man involvement.
  • Ensuring a high level of control over the project.
  • Getting the job done fast.

Several considerations determine shop reinstatement costing, including size of the space and the extent of work necessary to satisfy the requirements of yourself and your landlord, and possibly mall managers.

Asian Design incorporates many elements into our shop reinstatement services to keep your costs as low as possible. Contact us today to find out more about how we do this.

Asian Design Pte Ltd

UEN: 201617554W

+65 6523 8469

67 Sungei Kadut Street 1
#BK-A9 Sungei Kadut Industrial Estate
Singapore 729369

Monday-Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

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